Enzyme blend for piglets & hogs
Official Full Name
Enzyme blend for piglets & hogs
This complex is made in the way of Solid State Fermentation (SSF), not like pure enzymes which are made in the way of Liquid State Fermentation (LSF). Feed enzyme complex for livestock is designed according to fattening livestock's physiological characteristics and feed raw materials. Feed enzyme complex includes mainly the celluse (endocellulase, exocellulase, glucosidase), Xylanase (endoxylanase, exoxylanase,xylosidase),β-glucanase , mannose, acid protease, amylase, glucoamylase, pectinase with other endogenous enzymes which can well suit for character of the poultry digestive tract. The product through many optimization experiment, which can well digest non-starch polysaccharide, improve the use rate of feed.