
Enzymes for Research, Diagnostic and Industrial Use

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Maitake Mushroom Extract

10% Polysaccharide
1 kg
Cat No.
The fungus is native to the northeastern part of Japan and North America, and is prized in traditional Chinese and Japanese herbology as an adaptogen, an aid to balance out altered body systems to a normal level. Most Japanese people find its taste and texture enormously appealing, though the mushroom has been alleged to cause allergic reactions in rare cases.
10%, 20% Polysaccharides Test by UV
The underground tubers from which hen of the woods arises has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine to enhance the immune system. Researchers have also indicated that whole Maitake has the ability to regulate blood pressure, glucose, insulin, and both serum and liver lipids, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, and may also be useful for weight loss.
Maitake is rich in minerals (such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium), various vitamins (B2, D2 and Niacin), fibers and amino acids. The active constituent in Maitake for enhancing the immune activity has been identified in the late 1980s to be the protein-bound polysaccharide compound, beta-glucan, an ingredient found especially in the family of polyporaceae.
Maitake is a precious fungus as food and medicine. Recently it is popular in South American and Japanese markets as an excellent health tonic food, and its unique nutritional and medical value has attracted ever wider attention. Beta-glucan especially the protein-bound polysaccharides named D-fraction have anticancer and anti-HIV function and can adjust immune and incretion. It is also good in curing hepatitis and hypertension.

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