1. Thoroughly wash fresh fetal calf hides in cold water and trim their hair and subcutaneous fatty tissue.
2. Clean calf skin pieces were ground at low temperatures.
3. Ground calf skin tissue is stirred with 0.5 M pre-cooled sodium acetate solution for 15-18h and centrifuged to remove the supernatant (repeat the operation four times)
4. The residue is washed with distilled water (three times)
5. Extract with 0.075 M citrate buffer at pH 3.7 and centrifuge to obtain supernatant
6. Dialyzed with 0.02 M disodium hydrogen phosphate solution
7. Wash with cold distilled water, resuspend, and freeze-drying.
Soluble; Type I; Lyophilized; Salt-free.
Soluble in 0.01 M to 0.5 M acetic acid and acidic buffers; Maximum of ca. 10 mg/ml.